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Love for the Lonely


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Are you a nice person but socially awkward?

Do you find it hard to talk to people you don’t know or even co-workers who you see every day but have never really connected?

In this age of technological advance communications are you feeling even further removed from human contact than ever before?

For a majority of the youth in society the advent of digital associations has replaced almost entirely face to face, human to human interaction. Young people walk amongst the masses usually with their head down looking at an illuminated screen as they text and post to various social media sites using them as their main method of getting in touch with the outside world, even when the world is right there in front of them.

Social awkwardness, lack of self-esteem, loneliness and malaise has gripped the country like a down comforter, muffling the sounds of life and smothering the ability to actually engage in physical touch and attraction.

As part and parcel of this phenomenon, a cult of youth has emerged known as Incels. These are basically young adults in their twenties that have given up on love and sex, many turning their frustrations into bitter anger against a perceived slight to their personage and plight. Websites and magazines dedicated to this sad group of virginal love sick puppies have sprung up like so much fungus and like a fungus its diseased mentality about the state of their existence truly threatens more young adults, mostly male, with a life of longing, solitude and unhappiness.

The rise of the disconnected need not been shunned or pitied but there needs to be some help provided to these wayward souls.
Studies have shown that countries that have legal prostitution and escort services have a lower crime rates and a male population less likely to be withdrawn from society. This isn’t a mere release valve for a bunch of horny guys. Instead the engagement of a young, self-conscious millennial with an experienced brothel professional encompasses more than just a sexual act.

Most men, young and old, truly want to spend time talking with the girls and for many a young man, the chance to have a conversation without the fear of rejection or humiliation brings on a sense of calm and helps build up their confidence way before any deed is done.

For many of the ladies working in today’s legal sex industry as escorts, hostesses and bedmates, the challenge these shy adults have isn’t the physical but mental acrobatics that come with a relationship. By providing a forum where they can be heard and converse on any topic that interests them can help them overcome years of ineptitude and gracelessness. These ladies of the night can be teachers, counselors and many times more therapeutic than a psychiatrist.
And they get the happy ending! It’s a win-win for all.